Kelly Shreeve


Data Scientist with M.A. in sociology, B.A. in environmental sociology, and 5+ years' experience teaching statistics. Completed TripleTen's 10 month data science bootcamp and a real-world data science externship with DataSpeak. Currently accepting data analysis and statistics consulting projects May 2024.

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Classifying Movie Reviews

F1 summary chart

Project Overview

Train a model to automatically detect reviews as positive or negative polarity from a dataset of IMBD movie reviews with polarity labelling. Achieve an F1 score of at least 0.85.

Tokenization, Lemmatization, BERT, gradient boosting.

Installation and Setup

Codes and Resources Used

Python Packages Used


Data Files




Data Acquisition

The data were provided by TripleTen’s Data Science bootcamp.

Data Preprocessing

Variables missing data were all missing less than 15% of observations. Categorical missing values were filled with ‘unknown’ and quantitative missing values were imputed with medians. Duplicates were cleaned from the dataset.

Code Structure

  ├── images
  │   └── movie_clipart.png
  │   └── important_features.png 
  └── notebooks  
      └── nlp_review_analysis.ipynb  

Results and Evaluation

Exploratory Analysis

F1 summary chart

The number of movies per year generally increases over time until 2006, when we see a sharp decline in number of movies produced per year. There are generally similar numbers of positive and negative reviews per year.

Correlation heatmap

There are similar numbers of positive and negative reviews in the training and test sets. Additionally, the classes are mostly balanced in both the training and test sets.

Train Results

Logistic Regression with NLTK, TF-IDF

Train results

Logistic regression with text vectorized with NLTK TF-IDF was able to achieve a maximum F1 score of 0.88 at a threshold of 0.45 on the test set. It had a validation ROC AUC of 0.95 and a validation PRC of 0.95. This model is good at classifying reviews based on media type, year, runtime, and review text.

Test Results

Predicted probabilty of positive review using the NLTK TF-IDF logistic regression:

Test results

Four models were trained and each did fairly well classifying the training set. Models are summarized as follows:

  1. NLTK, TF-IDF, and Logistic Regression (F1 = 0.88)
  2. SpaCy, TF-IDF, and Logistic Regression (F1 = 0.87)
  3. SpaCy, TF-IDF, and LightGBM (F1 = 0.87)
  4. BERT, Logistic Regression (F1 = 0.85)

The best model is the logistic regression trained with NLTK, TF-IDF. This model achieved and F1 = 0.88 on the text set.

Conclusions and Business Application


The best model was the Logistic Regression trained with NLTK lemmatization and TF-IDF text vectorization. BERT would likely perform better, with more time to tune on a larger training set.

Business Application

The Film Junky Union can feel confident putting this model into use, knowing it will correctly predict about 90% of movie reviews as positive or negative in tone.

Future Research

With additional time, BERT could be further fine tuned on additional data. Additionally, more tuning parameters could be tested on gradient boosting models.

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